“We asked the FSIN for information ... We want to have the most complete picture of this ... Our chairman of the standing commission to assist public oversight commissions Andrei Vladimirovich Babushkin will definitely go to Omsk, to this colony. He had just recently been in the Omsk region, visited colonies there, but others, and there were no such alarm signals about the sixth colony, ”TASS quoted him.

Fedotov added that Grandma’s work on the spot would allow him to “see the situation with his own eyes” and obtain the necessary information.

Earlier, the Ombudsman of the Omsk region went to the colony, where there was a mass brawl.

On October 6, it was reported that prisoners staged a mass brawl in a strict regime colony in the Omsk Region.

As noted, the situation was resolved "without the use of physical force and special means."

A criminal case under the Criminal Code of Russia "Disorganization of the activities of institutions providing isolation from society."