First it took a very long time until this federal government stood. Then, as soon as the coalition started its work, it was speculated again about its end. From day one, the alliance of the CDU, CSU and SPD fought to survive.

But then this government has already achieved a lot and held a respectable 15 months. And there are some indications that Angela Merkel's current GroKo will also hold another 15 months and a few more - namely until the next scheduled federal election in autumn 2021.

On the other hand, this year there will be a number of important elections in Germany, initially at the end of May, those of the European Parliament, the Bremen Parliament and the local parliaments of numerous federal states. This will be followed by parliamentary elections in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia until the autumn, the outcome of which could lead to debates, especially in the CDU and SPD. The fact that this creates a special dynamic right up to the premature end of the coalition is not excluded.

And so it is gleefully speculated in these days, how it goes on in Berlin. Does Merkel clear the Chancellery for Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer ahead of time? Does Friedrich Merz still have a chance for a ministerial post? And what is actually with the various Wackelkandidaten in the Cabinet - there may be a major reorganization in the government soon?

The GroKo carousel revolves, but the interests of the passengers are very different. So far, there is only one personie (click through the photo gallery):