“Unfortunately, to our great regret, members of the Security Council and, as our representative said, not without the influence of the United States and other Western states did not find the courage to satisfy the Russian application ...”, RIA Novosti cites her words.

According to her, the incident with the Ukrainian ships is a pre-planned large-scale provocation, including the information component, forceful intimidation, the threat of the use of force, and then the connection of diplomatic and international legal resources.

“I think, unfortunately, the following times will also appear, considering what is happening,” she said.

Zakharova noted that during the incident, the Russian side had taken increased security measures, taking into account the threats to the Kerch bridge.

Earlier, the UN Security Council blocked the Russian agenda for the incident in the Kerch Strait.

On November 25, the FSB announced that three Ukrainian ships had illegally crossed the Russian border, in connection with which ships and seamen were detained.