According to the department, in early December, an obelisk was dismantled at the mass grave of Soviet and Polish soldiers who died in battles against the Nazis in March 1945 by order of the regional administration of the Pomeranian Voivodeship.

“The basis for this decision was allegedly the recommendation of the local Institute of National Remembrance within the framework of the“ decommunization ”of public space in the country,” they added.

The official campaign in Poland, designed to erase from the people's memory the feat of the Red Army, which liberated the country from the Nazi occupation, is acquiring more and more blasphemous forms, stressed the Foreign Ministry.

“In attempts to dissect the history at any cost, to adjust it to fit their ideological dogmas, the Polish authorities no longer stop mocking the graves,” the foreign ministry said.

In addition, as noted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, there is no information that the remains of the heroes had previously been exhumed and reburied elsewhere.

Earlier it became known that the Vandals in Riga desecrated the memorial of the soldiers of the Red Army, who died during the Great Patriotic War.