This is stated in the commentary posted on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Outraged by the statement of the adviser to the president of Ukraine, Yu. Biryukov, made on the air of the“ Direct ”TV channel on December 26. The politician literally stated the following: “Virtually the entire so-called gray zone has now been completely liberated and taken under control,” the foreign ministry said.

The Foreign Ministry stressed that the dangerous approach of the Ukrainian army to the positions of the militia significantly increases the risk of direct clashes and looks like a blatant provocation aimed at disrupting the peace process.

The ministry called on the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine to give a principled assessment of Kiev’s actions.

“This will help prevent a possible escalation of the conflict, maintain the ceasefire regime and implement the relevant provisions of the Minsk package of measures,” the ministry said.

Earlier, Biryukov announced the capture of almost the entire “gray zone” in the Donbas.

In the self-proclaimed LC and the DNI commented on these statements.