The Alliance of Forces of Freedom and Change called on the Sudanese people to participate in "million-dollar processions" in the capital Khartoum on Thursday to demand the transfer of power to civilians and to reject any attempt to establish another military regime in the country.

The call came after the forces of freedom and change and the Transitional Military Council exchanged strong messages, warning the latter of continued chaos, while the forces said they would not accept a new tyrant and the Council is not serious in handing over power.

The march began from professional and student sectors through a gathering of professionals, the most prominent component of the forces of freedom and change, on Facebook, as well as cities and areas of central Sudan near the capital.

Controversy of the sovereign council
The forces of freedom and change were supposed to present a proposal on forming a sovereign council to the Transitional Military Council (TCC), but said its vision was not yet complete.

Earlier, Salah Abdul-Khaliq Saeed, head of the community committee of the Military Council, said that the head of the council, General Abdul Fattah al-Burhan, would head the sovereign council to be formed.

Said said that the original in the sovereign council to be military only, but the Transitional Military Council approved the request of the forces of freedom and change with the participation of civilians in it.

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In the meantime, thousands of Sudanese continue their sit-in held in front of the headquarters of the Army General Command in central Khartoum since 6 April. The sit-in led to the closure of the Blue Nile Bridge, the bridge of the armed forces and the closure of major streets. This afternoon, the transitional military council has set a date for the opening of tracks and vital roads.