A United Nations relief convoy arrived at the al-Rikban camp in Syria near the border with Jordan, where thousands of people were stranded in the desert. The terrorist organization called for an attack on the positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces City of Deir Al - Zour East.

"Abu Abdullah, a member of the local council of the Rikban refugee camp, who coordinated with the United Nations to send humanitarian convoys, said:" The first trucks carrying aid arrived at the camp. "

For its part, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a press statement yesterday that shipments of aid arrived on a convoy to the camp area, which is suffering from tragic humanitarian conditions, shortages of medicines and food, and lack of health care. .

He pointed to the escort of Russian protection of several vehicles, the convoy, which was a large number of cars and trucks, amid the gathering of thousands of refugees, for humanitarian and food assistance in the camp.

According to the observatory, the camp has a population of more than 60,000 civilians and elements of military factions opposed to a settlement with the regime who had been displaced in early September 2015.

Al-Rikban camp is located close to the US military base in the desert and near the confluence of the borders of Syria, Jordan and Iraq.

The Syrian army besieged the camp from the Syrian side of the border last month, preventing smugglers and traders from delivering food to it. Jordan prevented aid from crossing the border after it allowed a convoy to pass through its territory in January, saying it should not be held responsible for conditions in the camp.

United Nations relief trucks were due to arrive at the Rikban camp a week ago after receiving a permit from Damascus, but the UN said it was delayed for logistical and security reasons.

The lack of food and medicine in the camp has killed at least 12 people in the past few weeks. The United Nations has described the situation as "worrying" and said thousands of lives are in danger.

On the other hand, the militants of the organization called on the terrorist, yesterday, an attack on the positions that are based on the fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces, in the area of ​​Jaabi near the city of hybrid east of Deir al-Zour.

According to local sources, the «Sky News Arabia», that sporadic clashes broke out between the two parties, in conjunction with the flight of the international coalition in the region.

The militants of the terrorist organization "Da'ash" are holed up mainly in the last enclave of the organization east of Deir al-Zour, among the main towns, including hybrids, thieves and thieves, and a number of villages on the Euphrates.

It is located on the left bank of the Euphrates River, which is surrounded on three sides and includes a number of villages and farms. These are: Granig, Kashkia, Abu Hammam, Bahra, Hawamah, Abu Alkhater and Abu Al Hassan. And towns where the organization is also based. The latest developments come after the Turkish army launched a bombardment on the positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces in northeastern Syria in the past few days, forcing the forces to stop a military operation launched against the organization calling the terrorist in Deir al-Zour. The terrorist organization, after sudden attacks, regained all areas lost after the advance of Syrian-backed Syrian forces, backed by the United States, in the last pocket controlled by the province of Deir al-Zour.