In Paris, during protest actions, unknown people set fire to cars and scooters that are parked along the streets of the city.

During the conversation, the expert revealed several trends that are observed in the protest movement in France.

The first distinguishing feature is the reduction in the number of participants in the demonstrations.

“The second - those who participate, for them, in many respects, is a way of life, traditionally people come every weekend. On the third hand, since nothing really changes in French politics and social life, it’s just bored to walk, some participants need a new action and a new outburst of emotions - this goes into radicalization of moods and slogans, ”Solonnikov noted.

According to the expert, this tactic is used to destabilize the situation.

“Arson, pogroms, clashes with the authorities, attempts to throw stones at policemen begin. Another important point is that these actions gradually across France take over various political groups, in different regions different. Somewhere are feminists, some are hard nationalists, now we see a strong regionalization of such events, ”the analyst concluded.

Earlier it was reported that during the protests of "yellow vests" in Paris, unidentified persons set fire to cars.