“This is a logical result of voluminous work. An enormous amount of time was spent negotiating. This Sunday the commission in Brussels worked deep into the night. They made great efforts to come to a common denominator of the positions of the parties. The fact that Theresa May presented and called the agreed position can be considered an achievement, ”said Topornin.

The expert also shared his opinion on the main points of the agreement.

“The UK will completely leave the EU, including the customs area. Also, within 21 months after brexit, there will be a certain soft period when the rights of legal entities acting in one way or another on the basis of European agreements in Britain and the rights of British in continental Europe will be observed. The main issue was the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland. These are two fraternal peoples, and Ireland insisted that the “smaller brother” should not in any way experience difficulties. Let's see what the outcome will be, ”he concluded.

Earlier, the UK government approved a draft agreement with the European Union on the conditions of Brexit.