According to the expert, in the current political situation, the President of Ukraine is trying to present himself in a new image.

“If he received the first term of the presidency, exposing himself as a peacemaker who in a few weeks would end the war through negotiations, now he increasingly talks about war to the bitter end, as Donbass will crush with the help of UN peacekeepers. His order is a direct contradiction to the Minsk agreements, which prohibit not just the use of a number of military equipment in the territory of Donbass, but even their deployment in those areas, ”said the political scientist.

Kornilov also did not rule out further escalation of the conflict in the east of the country, if the order is followed by concrete actions.

At the same time, the expert stressed that such “provocative statements” should be “often indicated to the international community and constantly demand a response” from all guarantors of the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

Earlier, Poroshenko called on the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donbass to shoot from all available weapons. Later in the Kremlin responded to the words of the President of Ukraine.