“First of all, it should be noted that Slovakia is a parliamentary republic, therefore presidential positions are rather narrow. Nevertheless, it is a very important signal for the left. The deputy head of the European Commission (Maroš Šefčović - RT ) lost, this, of course, is very symptomatic. Taking into account the fact that the president is not very well known, he was elected at a low turnout, plus 40% is a very low figure for Slovakia, ”said Abzalov.

According to the expert, given the fact that election campaigns are expected in a number of countries soon, the result of the elections in Slovakia, in his opinion, is a kind of indicator.

“This is an important signal that politicians who are not so famous or not participating in an active political campaign are beginning to come to power. Plus, the apoliticality that has been characteristic of election campaigns lately in the EU may not play into the hands of traditional parties, ”he concluded.

It became known earlier that the 45-year-old Zuzana Chaputova became the president of Slovakia after the election results. The public activist and lawyer will begin their work on June 15, replacing his predecessor Andrei Kiska.