“Martial law will end in December, because it was introduced for 30 days. In order to extend it, Poroshenko will have to go to the Verkhovna Rada, which he will not allow it. So the martial law will end, because it will simply expire, ”the expert said.

Manoilo also noted that “proud Ukrainians decided to present it as Poroshenko’s personal merit, which would lift martial law on the very day it would cease to operate”.

“Absolutely kindergarten divorce. It is clear that Poroshenko did not succeed in imposing martial law in the whole of Ukraine, and his introduction in certain areas absolutely nothing. Because the election can not be canceled. He did not fulfill the main task, ”the expert concluded.

Earlier, Mogherini said that the Ukrainian side gave guarantees for the abolition of martial law in several regions of the country in the near future.