“Europe is not profitable termination, which destroys the structure of European security. But the United States deliberately does it, although they promised protection. Frankly, no one can even be indignant. We invite to our place, we hold an unprecedented open briefing, we show this rocket, we tell that it is an upgrade of 9M728, we demonstrate its range. But representatives of NATO, the United States, France and Germany do not come. They have already decided that Russia is to blame, ”he said.

According to the expert, in the event of the dissolution of the INF Treaty, “the United States will take measures, and NATO will obey them.”

“Proceeding from such a dull position, they pretend to be offended and will continue to actively generate advance to our borders, the creation of advanced elements of attack, which they qualify as defensive. To date, all actions by NATO are sewn with white thread, they are completely dancing to the tune of Washington. And, of course, if the States conceived to go out unilaterally, they will come out. They don't care about the security of European states, which they have taken under their wing and promised to defend, ”says Koshkin.

Earlier, Stoltenberg spoke about the actions of NATO in the event of the termination of the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles.