"The largest exercises of the interspecific grouping of forces and troops of the Navy and the Air and Space Forces in the Mediterranean Sea are coming to an end. Already today we can say that the goals of the exercises have been unequivocally achieved, "the commander-in-chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Korolev, quotes the TASS.

Earlier, the publication "New Sevastopol" reported that in the exercises of the Navy in the Mediterranean Sea, 18 ships and vessels of the Black Sea Fleet are participating. In particular, the frigates "Admiral Makarov", "Admiral Grigorovich" and "Admiral Essen" are involved.

On September 6, two Tu-160 bombers successfully completed the tasks on the plan for large-scale military exercises of the Russian Navy and Russian Air Force in the Mediterranean, the flight route passed over the neutral waters of the Caspian and Mediterranean seas.

On September 8, the Russian Navy ships fired deep-sea bombs from the RBU-6000 unit during the exercises in the Mediterranean Sea, and also struck conventional air and surface targets using the AK-130 and AK-630 systems.