The evening edition, the digital complement of Ouest-France, is available on all your screens! Discover the Une and the summary of this Friday, November 2nd.

The evening edition is online! Tablet, smartphone, computer: the digital supplement of the newspaper Ouest-France is accessible on all your screens. You can now discover for free the articles of this Friday, November 2nd by clicking on the links below.

News. The info break of the day

Afghanistan. Zohra, 24, demystifies Afghanistan at the risk of her life

New Caledonia. New Caledonia, land with 300 tribes

Australia. These coins from the future intrigue Australia

Mystery. In Japan, an island disappears and no one realizes it

Nature. We know why this bird can not fly

Health. Pregnancies too close together are more risky

Germany. Chrysanthemums color this city in the Black Forest

Controversy. In Mayenne, the pigeon shooting divides a village

Offbeat news. The unusual of the day

Sports. 24 hours chrono ...

Sail. How much does a skipper make in the Route du Rhum?

Education. Six tips to encourage boys to read more

Big angle. The unknown landscapes of France in 11 images

Unusual. Seven puzzles to check if you really have the eye

History. Seven scholars killed by their inventions

. Are you incollable on the songs that speak of the sea?

. Quiz. Test your general knowledge in 15 questions

Game. What is the age of these stars?

And also: our news quiz, games, and other surprises ...