Reports about it TASS.

“This document concerns hundreds of types of weapons, and we are simply obliged to support this treaty, which strengthens our security and is based on clear provisions. A resolution should be adopted precisely this week, ”said the representative of the socialists, who acted as the initiators of the proposal.

It is expected that the position of the EP will announce the head of EU diplomacy Federica Mogherini or her deputy.

As the head of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, clarified, a vote on the resolution on the impact of the situation on the INF Treaty on the European Union will be held on Thursday, February 14.

Earlier, the leader of the European Parliament faction "Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats" Udo Bulman said that the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty would put European security at risk.

On February 2, Russian leader Vladimir Putin announced that Moscow would suspend its participation in the INF Treaty after a similar US move.