She stressed that the United States and Russia should continue a constructive dialogue to preserve the treaty and "ensure its full and verifiable implementation, which is important for European and global security."

“Therefore, we appealed to the United States to assess the consequences of a possible withdrawal from the INF Treaty for their own and collective security,” she added.

She also noted that the EU calls on Russia to “respond to serious concerns regarding compliance with the treaty,” RIA Novosti reports.

“The world does not need a new arms race,” she said.

Earlier, the White House reported that the United States continues to consult with partners in connection with the release of the INF.

Russian leader Vladimir Putin, in an interview with RT France, said that Russia expects to restore a full-scale negotiation process on the treaty.

The Russian president also promised that Moscow would respond to Washington’s withdrawal from the INF Treaty promptly and effectively.

On November 6, French leader Emmanuel Macron called Europe the main victim of a possible US withdrawal from the treaty.