"Now a way out of this impasse can only be found in the United Kingdom," he added in his Twitter account.

With the withdrawal of the agreement over the line. The impasse can only be solved in the #UK. Our “no-deal” preparations are now more important than ever before.

- Michel Barnier (@ MichelBarnier) March 12, 2019

According to Barnier, at present, preparation for a British exit from the EU without an agreement is much more important than before.

On March 12, British parliamentarians rejected the draft agreement with the European Union on the conditions of Brexit (391 deputies - against, 242 - for).

The day before, the head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, said that during the talks with British Prime Minister Teresa May, the parties managed to agree on a document on the Irish border, which supplemented the Brexit agreement, which was subsequently put to a vote.