Sources in the island said that the forces of the Syrian regime stationed at the Karim checkpoint in the countryside of Hama in the north of the country targeted the Turkish checkpoint in the "Sher Mghar" in the countryside itself, while the Turkish Defense Ministry said that four Turkish soldiers were killed and two wounded in two attacks to protect the Kurdish people north of Aleppo.

The correspondent of the island in Ankara on the Turkish military sources that the tenth Turkish observation point in the area of ​​Zawiya, south of Idlib and north-west of Hama, which was established within the framework of the understandings of the zone to reduce the escalation, was subjected to artillery shelling from the positions of the regime and foreign militias led to the collapse of part of the wall surrounding the point.

After the bombing, three Turkish military helicopters landed at the point under the cover of a Turkish fighter flying over and around the point in a precautionary measure in anticipation of any development. As a helicopter landed inside the point to evacuate wounded towards Turkish territory.

It is expected that the forces of the regime carried out the artillery attack from a mountainous area east of Lattakia or the area of ​​Karim in Hama.

The same checkpoint was attacked on April 29, killing one woman and one child among the displaced. Twelve Turkish military observation posts are deployed in the area of ​​escalation reduction in Idlib to ensure that the cease-fire goes into effect within the framework of the Astana Agreement.

A few kilometers from the observation points, troops from Damascus and groups backed by Tehran are stationed.

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Turkish soldiers
The escalation coincided with the attack on Kurdish security forces on Saturday to a Turkish site of a missile fired from the area of ​​Tal Rifat north of Aleppo, killing four Turkish soldiers and wounding two, according to Reuters quoted the Turkish Defense Ministry.

The ministry added that the Turkish artillery responded to the attack by artillery shelling of the positions of the protection units in Tal Refa'at and the areas of Maranaz and Malikiya, killing 23 militants from the units.

After this shelling, the Free Syrian Army forces attacked and controlled the areas of Mar'naz and Malikya after the expulsion of the Kurdish units.

Civilians killed
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least nine civilians were killed by dozens of raids by Syrian and Russian warplanes on areas in Idlib province and areas in neighboring provinces such as Hama and Aleppo.

The observatory has counted more than 100 raids since Saturday morning, as well as dozens of barrels of explosives on towns and villages in the southern countryside of Idlib, Hama al Shamali and western Aleppo.

The Reuters news agency quoted a member of the National Liberation Front, Naji Mustafa, that the Syrian opposition fighters resisted the attempts of the regime forces to enter the city of the stronghold of the northern province of Hama.

On the other hand, the official Syrian media reported that the army of the regime today destroyed the sites of what he described as jihadists in southern Idlib and neighboring Hama, in response to what it described as repeated violations of the agreement to reduce the escalation.