Egyptian filmmaker Osama Fawzi, the most famous film dealing with Christian intolerance in Egypt, died on Tuesday at the age of 58 after a conflict with the disease.

The artistic critic Tariq al-Shennawi, in a statement, said that the late director said that Osama Fawzi is in the hands of God .. This talented director has "love of all" and "asphalt asphalts" .. He had many dreams and renewed for a better cinema and the most sincere and sweet .. Years of Giving ".

The late director, who graduated from the department of directing at the Higher Institute of Cinema in 1984, took his first directing experience with "The Ashes of Asphalt" in 1995, and "The Paradise of the Devils" in 1999.

Fawzi is known for his daring in his films and for presenting a different cinema for his generation. In 2004, he directed "Beloved Al Sima", the most famous film dealing with Christian intolerance in Egypt, while he directed his latest film "Natural Colors" in 2009.