As noted in the message, in July the average check index was 496 rubles.

"Compared with the value of the previous year, the indicator fell by 1.4%, or by 7 rubles," the company said, adding that this level is minimal for two years.

At the same time, it is stressed that the average check in July grew only in one federal district - the North Caucasus, where the increase was 92 rubles (or more than 15%).

In the Southern Federal District, the average check amounted to 423 rubles (a decrease of 7.6%), in the Far East - 442 rubles (a decrease of 7.5%), in the North-West - 564 rubles (a decrease of 7.4%).

In Moscow, the average check index has changed to 677 rubles (a decrease of 1.2%), in St. Petersburg the cost of going to the store in July was 636 rubles (a decrease of 7%).

Earlier it was reported that in January 2018 the average check of Russians in stores was about 675 rubles. At the same time in August last year, a Russian for a trip to the store in July, gave 503 rubles.

Meanwhile, as reported by "Izvestia", the average check for goods for the academic year increased by 23% in July compared to 2017. The purchase amount in the store reaches 2,1 thousand rubles.