In less than 24 hours, the security authorities in Madinah managed to direct the Saudi Attorney-General Sheikh Saud bin Abdullah, the admirer, to arrest a client who appeared in a videotape harassing vendors in a shop in the city.

According to the newspaper «Harmony» and «Arab Net» was arrested the expatriate, today, after he appeared in a video and harassing vendors in a shop selling women's clothes in Medina.

Madinah announced that security patrols in Madinah arrested the resident, who harassed the vendors in one of the commercial complexes, and will be handed over to the competent authorities.

The director of public relations and information at the Ministry of Labor and Social Development in Madinah, Ahmad al-Sanani, said that the commercial complex was identified in which the incident of "harassment" took place, pointing out that the inspectors of the ministry branch

The Department of Social Protection initiated the site to complete the necessary procedures according to the regulations, although the security authorities were informed to take action.

The Saudi Attorney-General, earlier on Friday against the background of the video clip, the arrest of a resident on charges of harassing a number of workers in a shop, in light of the role played by the Public Prosecution in the protection of society and the accountability of those who exceed the regulations and referred to the judiciary to receive the penalty .

The ministry stressed its keenness to provide a work environment that is good for all, pointing out that it is being coordinated to take legal action.

On Friday, social networking leaders had a video showing an expatriate harassing vendors in a mall.