Algerian Deputy Defense Minister, Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Ahmed Kayed Saleh called yesterday for dialogue to resolve the political crisis and said that the army will "spare the country from falling into the trap of violence." He warned that there are parties that want to muzzle the marches with hostile actions against the homeland, On its unity.

On the third day of the visit, which led him to the fifth military front, he warned against falling into the trap of disrupting peaceful marches.

He said: "The arrangements made so far have achieved a national consensus that we have seen through the slogans raised in marches in the various states of the country, with the exception of some parties, which reject all proposed initiatives and work to cultivate strife and intrigue to serve their narrow interests and the interests of those who stand behind them."

He explained that "the bad intentions of these parties have been exposed and exposed and condemned by various groups of people, which expressed a national consciousness distinct and original, and rejected their theses, which aims to undermine the credibility and efforts of state institutions, in the development and finding safe outlets for the crisis.

He stressed in the same context that the army will work to spare the country from falling into the trap of violence and the consequent tragedies, and expressed his condemnation of the parties that reject all initiatives, and works to spread tensions and intrigues.

On the other hand, the Deputy Minister of Defense called for convergence of views and consensus on the solutions available, stressing that constructive dialogue is the only way out of the crisis.

He said: "I am convinced that the adoption of constructive dialogue with state institutions is the only way out of the crisis, recognizing that dialogue is one of the finest and most noble methods of dealing with humanity, which is the most effective way to provide constructive proposals, .

In this regard, he praised the response of many personalities and parties to the importance of adopting the principle of dialogue, which should have a reasonable mechanism for getting out of the crisis and considered a position to be calculated at this stage in which the interests of the country must be the common denominator of all parties.

He pointed out that the proposals presented by the army stems from his awareness of the importance of the stage, praising the response of some personalities and parties to the approach of dialogue to get out of the crisis.

"The proposals made by the National People's Army stem from his firm awareness of the importance of this stage in the life of the country, the historic responsibility incumbent on him and all loyal Algerians loyal to their country who do not feel bad for their country," he said.

He added that the army, along with all the good people of the Algerian people, continue to spare the country from falling into the trap of violence and the consequent tragedies.