Nasser Abdul-Haq-Beijing

From a country that suffered its wars and was destroyed by ideologies that for decades came only with poverty and ignorance, to a country whose achievements at various levels have been described by many as miracles.

This is the modern China, which the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping wanted to start the process of reform and opening up forty years ago. He did not, as he announced at the time, color the cat as white or black as long as he could hold the mice, They were open to the enemies of the past.

Today, the Chinese are not only the second largest economy in the world, they are holding much of the global economy, observers said.

A tremendous development
China's economy has doubled over the past four decades from nearly $ 300 billion in 1980 to nearly $ 13 trillion by the end of 2017, with growth rates of more than 10 percent.

Founder of Ali Baba e-commerce Jack Ma tops the list of 620 billionaires in China (European)

China has moved from a country associated with poverty and famine to a country with the largest number of billionaires in the world, 620 billion Chinese billionaires, led by the founder of "Alibaba" electronic commerce, "Jack Ma" with a fortune of about 40 billion dollars.

During the same period, the Chinese enjoyed a more favorable life than they had before the reform and the opening up of their economy to the outside world.

China's trade in goods and services increased from about $ 20 billion in the late 1970s to more than $ 2 trillion in recent years, second only to the world after the United States.

"China has seen tremendous changes in all fields thanks to the reform and opening-up policy, especially the people's standard of living," said Liu Qin, professor of international relations at Beijing University of Studies.

China - Liu Qin - has managed to lift more than 700 million people out of poverty. Forty years ago, China's dream was to have a bike, while today every Chinese family owns a car.

This may have led foreign capital to flow into the Chinese market with investments exceeding 200 billion dollars by the end of 2017, after it was not in 1980.

Advanced Technology
In terms of technological progress, China's ambitious plan, "Made in China 2025," clearly points to the country's leadership in high-tech sectors worldwide, led by the artificial intelligence sector, which Beijing is currently monitoring for its development of 150 billion Dollars.

In addition, clean energy projects, which exceeded the country's investment of 40 billion dollars, mainly solar energy, where China makes more than 60% of the total global production of solar panels.

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Observers of the Chinese experience that it came primarily to reintegrate the country in the values ​​and systems prevailing in the world after China lived a period of closure to the outside world.

However, Chinese researcher Xu Xindu told Al-Jazeera Net that the integration process was very difficult and very difficult, and faced many problems and obstacles because reform and opening up in China did not apply to different tracks at the same pace.

He said economic development had begun and continued rapidly at the expense of other reforms in the political, social, cultural and environmental fields, making China permanent differences with other countries.

The environmental pollution caused by the speed of the development wheel in recent decades has doubled the amount of carbon dioxide emissions, and high levels of China's rivers, lakes and groundwater have become polluted, making the Chinese environmental cost heavy.