The movement of "yellow vests" has "underlined certain convergences" between the National Rally and France Insoumise, even if the two formations diverge on immigration, said Wednesday Marine Le Pen.

The leader of the Insoumis, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, "does not have the courage to carry out the political break that would be necessary" on immigration in particular, "even if, incontestably, the 'yellow vests' have underlined certain convergences between us ", said the president of the RN at the weekly Valeurs Actuelles published Wednesday.

Mélenchon is "stuck" on immigration, according to Marine Le Pen. "Jean-Luc Mélenchon is intelligent enough to have asked himself the question of immigration.The temptation to break with this ultra-radical immigrationist ideology has crossed his mind, but he is stuck.Leftists, communalists and Indigenists are the backbone of his movement, rather than his electorate, "says Marine Le Pen.

"By throwing out the insubordinate part of France which represents sovereignty and which was critical of migratory submersion, he gave himself, hand and foot, to the indigenists (...) who are representatives of 'an extreme left communitarian and immigrationist', said France Inter Marine Le Pen.

The BIA "in decline". "This is the reason why LFI is currently rather in decline," said the same radio presidential finalist. The RN is the formation that "best embodies the opposition" to President Emmanuel Macron (35%, +2), while LFI is relegated to second place at 30%, according to an Ifop poll published Tuesday.

Marine Le Pen added that she did not "feel like we were getting closer" between the RN and LFI. "On the statement it can happen to us to agree, but on the solutions we (have) as a rule proposals that are divergent".