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In Paris, we march in good humor and sometimes under the sign of humor on the occasion of the March for the climate. Claude Nahmias

The March for climate gathered this Saturday 8 September in Paris 18 500 people according to the police, and 50 000 people according to an estimate of the NGO 350.org, which had participated in its organization. This initiative was launched by environmental NGOs, but also by citizens on social networks. And among the demonstrators, many young people. Climate change is a concern that some people say they have known since childhood. They even define themselves as the "climate generation".

" We are a generation that is quickly aware that ecology is an important issue. We try to put this in place at our scale, on a daily basis. "

Mathilde François is 19, she is a student at Science Po, and she holds up a sign with an inscription in red and green. " Global warming is not automatic. We wrote that because we think we can fight against global warming, we can stop it. Still, it is necessary to put in place public policies that are more ecological. Because what we are doing right now is not enough. We go straight into the wall . "

We go straight into the wall, this is also the opinion of Rodrigo Concalvez, 24, educator in a leisure center in the Paris suburbs. " We are here to denounce a system that can no longer last. We must integrate the fact that ecology does not go with capitalism and liberalism. We can not make money at all costs at the expense of the climate and the environment. I'm 24 years old and I realize that nothing goes well. "

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It is the climate generation that goes down the street today, confirms this young educator. " I believe that our generation is becoming more and more conscious. In my environment, more and more young people are really in the ecology. Really . "

And this new generation intends to take over and replace the old world with its productivism, its energy and transport of the past. Protesters gathered in Paris are demanding political decisions to move the lines and demand that the government completely change its line so that ecology and climate prevails over all decisions.

This march responded to a citizen call launched on Facebook by Maxime Lelong, a 27-year-old journalist and entrepreneur, who decided to act after the resignation of Minister for the Green Transition Nicolas Hulot. " What made me think is not the failure of a man but the failure of a minister who says: " The government in which I am does not consider the climate a priority and therefore I will not succeed in carrying out my missions " . And that's why, for me, the appointment of François de Rugy will not change anything. He will not make the difference . "

If we can not make the government understand that we have to radically change things and change our system, stop a race for growth no matter what the price we pay for it, we will change nothing.

Maxime Lelong journalist and entrepreneur, initiator of the citizen appeal launched on Facebook 08/09/2018 - by Christine Siebert Play