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Ukrainian navy ships in the port of Odessa, November 26, 2018. REUTERS / Yevgeny Volokin

After the crossing of the Kerch Strait by Ukrainian navy ships and their boarding by Russian forces, tension continues to mount, particularly at the UN and NATO, where the use of military force by Russia against Ukraine.

With our correspondent in Brussels , Pierre Bénazet

NATO calls on Russia so that Ukrainian sailors and ships can leave freely. The Atlantic Alliance also calls on Moscow to guarantee Ukrainian vessels freedom of navigation in the Kerch Strait and the Sea of ​​Azov.

Despite his concern for the Ukrainian sailors wounded during the boardings, and in order to prevent the situation from degenerating, NATO calls for calm. The Atlantic Alliance wants to maintain the dialogue already in place with Russia.

" The situation in and around Ukraine, including the Sea of ​​Azov, the Black Sea and the militarization of Crimea, has been discussed many times during meetings with Russia ," said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. . We even put the subject back on the carpet a few weeks ago during the last NATO-Russia council. NATO has undertaken the most important reinforcement of its collective defense for a generation. Russia must understand that this is a consequence of its actions ".

At today's NATO Ukraine meeting, all #NATO Allies reiterated their support for # Ukraine's territorial integrity & sovereignty. We call for calm & restraint in the Sea of ​​Azov: https://t.co/kePfq7a2LE pic.twitter.com/mC50QkgszC

Jens Stoltenberg (@jensstoltenberg) November 26, 2018

The Atlantic Alliance has assured Ukraine of its support for its territorial integrity. For its part, the European Union has also called for the restoration of freedom of passage in the Kerch Strait.

According to the terms of the partnership between the 29 NATO member countries, Ukraine has the right to request the convening of the Joint Commission with NATO in the event of a direct threat to its security, independence or territorial integrity .

►Railway between Kiev and Moscow, three Ukrainian vessels captured in the Black Sea