Tens of thousands demonstrated yesterday in Madrid against the Spanish Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, against the backdrop of the opening of the government dialogue with the supporters of the independence of the province of Catalonia.

The demonstrators held Spanish flags and placards reading "Sanchez Enough" and gathered at Cologne Square in the center of the capital, two days before the start of a historic trial tomorrow for 12 former Catalan officials for their role in trying to separate the province in October 2017.

The Popular Party (right) and the Liberal Party, joined by the extreme right-wing Fuchs party, and several other groups, called for a united Spain and elections now.

"The era of the Sanchez government has ended," said Pablo Casado, head of the Popular Party.

"We are here to say no to secession," said Albert Rivera, head of the Nationalist Party, while the president of the party, Fox Santego Abascal, denounced what he called "government betrayal."