The publication emphasizes that Sergey Skripal has lost a lot of weight, and it’s not easy to recognize him from old photos, and in many ways his unwillingness to give interviews is connected with this.

It is noted that Julia Skripal keeps in touch with relatives who do not disclose any information about her, and several friends visited her last summer. Also, the newspaper writes that Julia got a job, where she can use Russian language skills.

On December 10, Sergei Skrypal’s niece, Victoria, in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper stated that she could not contact her sister Yulia from July 24.

On March 5, it became known that in British Salisbury, a man and a woman were poisoned with an “unknown substance,” after which they were hospitalized in critical condition. The injured turned out to be the ex-Colonel of the GRU Sergey Skripal and his daughter.