Mohammed Abdul Malik - Al Jazeera Net

More than a month after the Yemeni consultations in Sweden, the UN envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffith, is preparing to hold direct meetings with representatives of the Houthi prisoners' committee and the legitimate government in the Jordanian capital Amman to discuss the problems that hampered the implementation of the prisoner exchange deal in recent weeks.

Despite the continued mutual accusations between the two sides and the responsibility of each other for failing to make progress in the implementation of the agreement, Jordan officially announced the hosting of a technical meeting, as described by Hanan Badawi, Information and Communication Officer in the Office of the UN Envoy to Yemen, in an interview with Al Jazeera Net, The meeting is not yet clear.

The most prominent reason for the failure of the implementation of the Swedish agreement on the exchange of prisoners at the third stage, according to the head of the government team in the prisoners committee, Hadi Haig, is that the Huthis did not provide any information about more than 230 names of the kidnapped and prisoners who have.

Hage explained to the island that the Houthis made those names empty space, which made the government delegation retreat in return for the implementation of the steps of agreement and protest with the UN envoy and demand the need to report on those names.

They did not leave
As of Tuesday evening, representatives of the Yemeni government committee did not leave the prisoners' file to Jordan, according to committee chairman Hadi Haig.

From the conclusion of the meetings of Sweden between the teams of Yemen (contact sites)

He said they were due to leave on Wednesday that the availability of aviation to transport them, and expressed the hope that direct meetings in Jordan will make a serious breakthrough.

On the other hand, the Houthis attributed the reasons for the failure of the agreement to what they called denial of the existence of hundreds of prisoners also in the Yemeni government.

According to the representative of the Huthis in the Committee of the exchange of prisoners, which left on Monday via an international plane heading to Jordan, they have detailed and complete information about those names and even places of imprisonment, which the countries of aggression, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, as far as he described, to report on them.

A member of the delegation of Huthis, who participated in the consultations of Sweden in a telephone conversation with Al Jazeera Net that the UAE and Saudi Arabia are hiding hundreds of prisoners in its prisons and continues to refuse to recognize their existence.

Sweden's agreement on the prisoner exchange file signed by the Yemeni parties in Stockholm consultations in mid-December 2018 includes five stages.

Griffith at a previous press conference in Geneva (Reuters)

These stages begin with the exchange of lists of the parties and then provide the statements about those lists, and third the observations on the statements and then the response to the observations and the completion of the logistical arrangements for the release of prisoners and detainees through the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Hodeidah Agreement
The situation of the ambiguity and obstruction of the Yemeni side in relation to the file of prisoners is also faced by the head of the international observer team, Dutch General Patrick Kamert for the second week in a row, where he could not hold joint meetings directly between the members of the joint coordination committee in Hodeidah on both sides.

He attributed the member of the Committee on the redeployment of the legitimate government Brigadier Ahmed Kokbani reasons for the failure of the cease-fire in Hodeidah to the continued intransigence and procrastination and procrastination and manipulation of words and the deliberate misinterpretation by the Houthis of some terms and phrases contained in the Swedish agreement.

Of the meetings of the Yemeni talks in Sweden last month (Anatolia)

"All these reasons have made the head of the UN observer delegation, Patrick Camert, unable to make any significant progress in the past few days," al-Kokbani said in a telephone interview with Al Jazeera Net.

On the other hand, the spokesman of the Houthi group Mohamed Abdel Salam blamed the failure of the ceasefire agreement Hodeidah directly to Kamert accused him of obstructing the implementation of the Stockholm understandings and get out of the course of the agreement and the implementation of another agenda. He said the task seemed to be bigger than his abilities, as he said in a tweet on his Twitter page.

On this point, the director of the Sanaa Center for Strategic Studies, Majid al-Muhajji, said that the Huthi's back has become very exposed. Their growing anger and mismanagement of the Hodeidah file and the handling of the observer team may be causing them political damage that they have not actually expected.