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The businessman Bernard Tapie when he arrived at the Paris court on March 14, 2019. REUTERS / Benoit Tessie

Pierre Mazeaud, the former president of the arbitral tribunal who granted Bernard Tapie 403 million euros in 2008 to settle his dispute with the Credit Lyonnais, defended on Tuesday, March 26, the "impartiality" of this award, the tenth day of Paris trial of the businessman for "scam".

" I maintain that I judged impartially, " said the former president of the 89-year-old Constitutional Council, the first witness heard by the Paris Criminal Court. The award of the arbitral tribunal, composed of Pierre Mazeaud, the former great voice of the Bar Jean-Denis Bredin and the former first president of the Court of Appeal of Versailles Pierre Estoup, has since been annulled civil for " fraud ", but only Pierre Estoup was sent back to correctional services for" fraud "and" complicity in misappropriation of public funds ".

For the prosecution, this former high magistrate, who had " old ties " with Bernard Tapie and his historical lawyer Maurice Lantourne, " marginalized " his two co-arbitrators to make a favorable decision to the businessman.

" I have in no way accepted some simulacrum "

Absent since March 12 for medical reasons, Pierre Estoup, 92, will not be heard by the court on the facts. Expertise read on Tuesday by President Christine Mée concluded the incompatibility of her state of health with " the smooth conduct of an audience ."

Unique member of the trio of referees to speak, Pierre Mazeaud evoked " lively discussions ", but rejected any " manipulation " on the part of Pierre Estoup, although he was the main editor of the sentence. " I presided, I affirmed my authority. I have in no way accepted some simulacrum, I have not been manipulated. There may be some pretense, but Pierre Mazeaud has never been during his career! He insisted in a strong and energetic voice, pulling down his CV from a former teacher, judge and deputy.

(With AFP)