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The new law extends this ban to elected officials and all public employees in contact with the public. Sylvain Grandadam / Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

In Geneva, officials are prohibited from wearing religious symbols. The city has adopted by referendum a new law on secularism. As often, it is the question of the veil that crystallized all the controversies.

With our correspondent in Geneva, Jérémie Lanche

With 55% yes and 44% participation, we can not speak of success. But the key is here: from now on, Geneva officials and parliamentarians will no longer be able to wear distinctive religious symbols.

An essential measure in the fight against communitarianism, say the supporters of the text, the right-wing parties and the churches. For the left, unions, feminist and Muslim associations, on the other hand, the law discriminates against veiled women.

Only one woman is wearing the veil throughout the canton, one of only two officially secular in Switzerland. Because it is the particularity here: the confederation leaves the hands free to the communities to manage the relations with the different cults. Most cantons thus collect the tax for the churches. None of this in Geneva, probably the most multicultural city in Switzerland.

The executive suggested that enforcement would be flexible. It is not yet in force: several appeals have been filed in court.

(Re) read: Swiss deputies vote to ban burqa