Many speculate that Jared Kouchner, the son-in-law of US President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka, is the author of the anonymous article published by the New York Times last Wednesday and included harsh criticism of Trump.

This is what David von Drill wrote in the Washington Post, noting that he agrees with the adherents and that if Kouchner's place was to write that article.

The writer demonstrates this for several reasons:

The first reason: that he - he says - is that more than Tramp members of the management of Trump to rein in the President and tried to encircle his losses and scourges are Kushner and Ivanka to the extent that does not pass a month during his rule without leaking a story in this regard.

The second reason: according to Dril is that the main idea that the article is about is that the president crazy, and thank God for the presence of good people within the administration around him.

The third reason: that the theory that Kouchner is the actor answers the question posed by many: Why not resign this patriotic jealous of this administration, which he described all the descriptions mentioned in the article? Of course, the only one who can not resign is Kouchner, whose father can not be left alone in this quagmire.

The fourth reason: According to this theory, one of the authors of the article will benefit greatly when he takes away the mask in this city (Washington), which is not kept secret, and this hero will be worthy of honor and thus be eligible to start a new stage for the Trump family where Jared and Ivanka return to New York and resume the climb to Summit of the Manhattan Community.

No one even the White House chief of staff can blame Kouchner and Ivanka if they write that article as part of an exit strategy. Many of the staff and officials in that house are looking for a way out, and here is the stubborn independent investigator Robert Mueller, who does not distract his attention from his main goal. That "mad dog" lawyer Rudolph Giuliani hired by Trump a special lawyer to bark every day in the convoy Muller perhaps to disrupt or make them stumble or slow in the fulfillment of its mission.

As one said, the days after the mid-term congressional elections will be difficult when the president discovers, as he has thought over the past 40 years, that fame can bring its owner to the bottom.