After its legal success against the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the AfD now wants to take action against its president, Thomas Haldenwang. An official supervisory complaint was ready and will be submitted immediately to the Federal Interior Ministry, Haldenwang's employer. This announced the AfD MP Roland Hartwig. "We expect disciplinary action." In addition, the party will examine claims for damages against Haldenwang.

The Administrative Court of Cologne had granted an emergency application by the AfD at the end of February. The party had argued that Haldenwang had publicly stated that the domestic intelligence service had declared the AfD a test case. Like the AFD, the court took the view that the term "test case" had a negative effect on the public. This interference with the rights of the AfD was "unlawful and also disproportionate".

For the official supervisory complaint one waited only the Cologne judgment, said Hartwig, who directs the AFD working group protection of the constitution. It has now been established in court that Haldenwang's behavior was unlawful. "If someone as leader of such an important office so massively damages the biggest opposition party in Germany, and he had to know it (...), then it is the least that disciplinary measures are initiated here and this behavior is punished accordingly."

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