Taha Al-Ani-Al Jazeera Net

The pioneers of social networking sites have taken a unique initiative in the Iraqi arena after more than four hundred girls from Sulaymaniyah province decided to wear the headscarf voluntarily at a mass rally.

The festival, the fifth of its kind, was launched by an organization belonging to the Kurdistan Islamic Union. The girls were honored under the slogan "Golden Crown" last Friday at the public events hall in downtown Sulaymaniyah.

Girls are honored and put "golden crown" on their heads (networking sites)

Openness and commitment
The event comes in a city that is considered one of the most open and modern cities in Iraq on the level of freedoms and religious and political trends.

Activists on the platforms discussed the pictures of the girls lining up at the ceremony, which witnessed a heavy presence, especially from the families of the girls.

Muhsin al-Shahwani said that the celebration and the pictures of the veiled girls reflected the true image of the "Kurdish people" inherent in their ethnic affiliation and adherence to Islamic identity. "No, they are the grandchildren of the Muslim leader Salah al-Din al-Yawbi."

Part of the celebration held by Sulaymaniyah to honor veiled women (sites of communication)

Zahra Jamil Al-Maily, member of the Executive Office (the National Wisdom Stream led by Ammar al-Hakim), responsible for women's organizations in Iraq, quoted pictures and details of the festival and the honoring of the girls. She said that the festival started reciting verses from the Holy Quran, followed by a seminar for preachers and Islamic figures, Legal costume as a commitment to the commands of God Almighty Koran.

The activists of communication platforms that the festival comes to express the rejection of openness, which does not comply with the teachings of the Islamic religion, which has been rampant in society recently, and the entry of Western phenomena due to external openness, especially through the sites of communication and influence.

He considered d. Taha Hamed al-Dulaimi said in his comment on the event that he is one of the missionaries in Iraq, where "four hundred girls from Sulaymaniyah decided to wear the Islamic headscarf at a grand ceremony in honor of them."

Side of girls (networking sites)

For his part, the media chanted Ahmed al-Haj on Twitter, saying "more than four hundred girls in the province of Sulaymaniyah are making a collective decision to wear the veil and a ceremony of recognition of a broad them entitled Golden Crown."

As the researcher d. Abu Bakr al-Issawi for girls participating in this charity campaign in Twitter on Twitter. He called them by saying, "God bless their pursuers and their steps, and bless them for them."

Rights activist Shahd Mashhadani hailed a Facebook comment on a ceremony for girls wearing headscarves in Sulaymaniyah. Fawaz al-Tayeb also praised the move by commenting on Facebook as well.