By RFIPosted 29-04-2019Modified 29-04-2019 at 00:28

A new round of talks was held Sunday (April 28th) in Khartoum between the military council that heads the country and the opposition gathered in the Coalition for Freedom and Change. On Saturday night, an agreement was reached to create a Joint Council that will govern instead of the military. But most of its terms are still to be negotiated.

It remains less than 48 hours to both parties to find an agreement. This is in any case the time they have set.

First thorny point and not least, the duration of the transition. The civilians wish to see this period extend over four years, when the soldiers offer half of them.

Then, there are the terms of the Joint Sovereignty Council to negotiate: first the number of its members, then the division of its composition between civilians and military, then the skills assigned to each and finally, big chunk of these future negotiations , the choice of who will play the presidency of the Council.

This decision is important because the Joint Council will have to perform all functions that affect national sovereignty, such as appointing ambassadors, prosecutors, or simply declaring war.

The outcome of these negotiations will therefore determine a new balance of power between civilians and the military. And during this time, the place of the sit-in, she, is not empty.

It takes time, but at first the Military Council did not want to give up anything. If we had bowed down from the beginning, today we would have a military government again. We had to negotiate with them and now they are the ones who have to answer our requests.

Agreement welcomed with caution among protesters

28-04-2019 - By Gaëlle Laleix

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