The protesters - in front of the army leadership in the Sudanese capital Khartoum on Saturday - sit-in to demand the acceleration of steps to hand over power to civilians, and warn of any attempts to reproduce the former regime.

This comes at a time when the Sudanese awaited the response of the Transitional Military Council on a constitutional document to arrange the transitional period handed over by the coalition forces of freedom and change.

The Al-Jazeera correspondent in Khartoum reported that a mediation committee between the Transitional Military Council and the forces of freedom and change includes national figures who submitted a proposal to the parties to overcome the dispute over the transitional period.

The proposal provides for the formation of a civilian sovereign council with non-executive functions, another Security Council with a military majority and limited civil representation for security and defense.

Alliance of forces of freedom and change announced his rejection of any mediation with the military junta (Al Jazeera)

No to mediation
Amjad Farid, a spokesman for the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change, said there was no need for mediation in their negotiations with the Transitional Military Council, pointing out that the negotiations were conducted directly, expressing the hope that the Council's response to the document presented by the forces of freedom and change.

The member of the Transitional Military Council, the first Salahuddin Abdul Khaliq told the island that the document of the forces of freedom and change is still under study, and that the Council will receive a written response after completion of the study.

On the ground, the Anatolia news agency reported that a group of the rapid support forces tried today to break the sit-in in front of the army headquarters in Khartoum, but the protesters responded to them.

Eyewitnesses told the agency that soldiers from the rapid support arrived at the gate of the Chief of Staff of the Navy, and proceeded to remove the cement barriers and barricades, and clashed with the protesters, which resulted in the injury of a citizen immediately in one of the clinics attached to the headquarters of the sit-in.

In the White Nile State, a women's demonstration took place in support of protests demanding the handover of power to civilians across the country. The slogans calling for civil authority and the continuation of peaceful demonstrations until the demands of the Sudanese were raised.

In Nyala, the capital of South Darfur state, security forces confronted crowds of demonstrators demanding the handover of power to civilians and the trial of former regime symbols, and fired tear gas to disperse them.

The sit-in in front of the Chief of Staff in Khartoum continued about a month ago (Al Jazeera)

The atmosphere of tension
It is noteworthy that the atmosphere had been strained a few days ago between the forces of freedom and change and the Transitional Military Council, after the arrival of the parties to a preliminary understanding to determine the features of the transitional period.

Some representatives of the Forces for Freedom and Change said that the Council was not serious about handing over power, while the latter asserted that it would not allow chaos in the street and that its patience would be limited.

The two sides differ on the representation ratios of a proposed sovereign council. The military council saw its formation of seven soldiers and three civilians headed by the head of the military council, General Abdul Fattah al-Burhan. The forces of freedom and change demanded that the council prevail over the civilians.