By RFIPalled on 14-09-2018Modified 14-09-2018 at 07:08

Since Wednesday night and the signing of a new peace agreement, the country has entered a period of pre-transition that will last eight months, before a transition of three years and elections.

It is a colossal job waiting for the signatories of the new peace agreement. We will soon know if the parties are in good faith and if the schedule is sustainable.

→ A (RE) READ: South Sudan: What does the new peace agreement provide for?

Already the text provides for the immediate release of prisoners of war, with the support of the ICRC.

Within three days, the parties must take steps to implement the ceasefire and disengage their troops. Within two weeks, a workshop will be held where everyone will reveal the status and positions of his men.

Only during the eight months of pre-transition will it be necessary to draft new laws, create multiple agencies to implement the agreement, and appoint representatives to each of them.

Sensitive institutions promise heated debates, such as the International Boundaries Commission, which will have to determine the number and boundaries of future federal states. A crucial issue for the division of the territory between ethnic groups.

Return of Machar in eight months

It is only after this pre-transition that the rebel leader Riek Machar will be able to return to the country. The former enemies will then exercise power within the government, the Assembly and renewed institutions for three years.

All this promises tension and a very high cost. Within three weeks, a fund to finance the first eight months of the agreement must be created. We will see if foreign partners put their hands in the bag for an agreement that some people already consider unrealistic.

    On the same subject

    South Sudan: What does the new peace agreement provide?

    [Reportage] The two great figures of South Sudan have signed peace

    South Sudan: IGAD meets to discuss final points of disagreement


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