By RFIPosted on 08-01-2019Modified on 08-01-2019 at 14:23

Puntland has just elected a new president. Saïd Abdullahi Deni was chosen on Tuesday morning by the Parliament of this semi-autonomous state that is part of Somalia. The election was calm. This is partly to reassure observers and the international community.

Many sighed with relief when Said Abdullahi Deni's election was proclaimed calmly. Several candidates have welcomed a fair, balanced ballot, while recognizing the victory of the former minister.

Nothing to do with the vote last month in the Southwest, where the central power of Mogadishu is accused of having weighed heavily, stopping one of the favorites, deploying the army and repressing demonstrations. " The federal state seems to have less influenced this election. It's reassuring even if everything was not perfect with, as often rumors of corruption or journalists intimidated, "says a diplomat.

A native of Mogadishu

The relationship with Mogadishu will be one of the first things to watch for. The outgoing president of Puntland, pitifully eliminated in the first round, was in the forefront of the sling against the central state. The new head of state, Saïd Abdullahi Deni is precisely former Somali Minister of Planning. He operated in Mogadishu, where he was born, which could allow a relaxation.

It is expected on other files also very sensitive. In particular security, with the presence in Puntland of the Islamic State and shebabs. " The situation has deteriorated in the last two years. The region can not afford to lose more territory, "says an analyst.

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