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The political problems between Egypt and Sudan are floating from time to time, especially since the lines of contact between the two sides seem to be burning for the slightest spark fired from here or there, especially in the case of Halaib and Shalatin. At the height of the Sudanese rapprochement with Turkey, Sudan declared, With Eritrea to arrive at information that the presence of Egyptian forces preparing to invade Sudan, which was denied by Egypt later, how were relations between Egypt and Sudan since ancient times? And how did Egyptians see Sudan in modern times?

Northern Sudan is an Egyptian state

The relations between Egypt and Sudan were based on trade cooperation and good-neighborly relations. These relations were established by the conquerors of Egypt when the two sides signed the "Pickles" agreement under Abdullah bin Saad bin Abi Al-Sarh in 31 AH / 652 AD until Egypt was governed by Mamluk rule in the middle of the century (658-676 AH / 1260-1277 AD), during the Islamic Crusader conflict, the annexation of Nubia and Sudan to Egypt was inevitable, Especially since the Christian Nubian forces exploited the Egyptian army's preoccupation with liberation The Crusader Emirates in the Levant, and attacked southern Egypt, but were able to enter Aswan and killed its deputy and robbed the city, what the Mamluk Sultan Baybars considered an aggressive act requires a response [1].

Map of Egypt and Sudan during the British occupation

The Mamluk strategy, which was played on both the military and political levels, succeeded in fragmenting the political unit of Nubia, bringing together a pro-Cairo team and the heavy defeat inflicted by the Mamluk Egyptian forces in the Nubian army. The wealth of the country where half of the Nubia and half of Egypt, and submission of northern Sudan to the Egyptian Mamluk direct administration [2].

The Ottomans took over the Arab countries after the Mamluks in the sixteenth century AD, and the coast of the Sudanese Red Sea to the Ottoman rule for four centuries, without being able to govern the interior of Sudan, until Muhammad Ali at the beginning of the nineteenth century AD to take the rule of Egypt in an exceptional situation / Semi-independent within the Ottoman Empire, enabled him and his family to inherit the rule of Egypt, which had an impact on Sudan later.

The governor governs Egypt

Muhammad Ali was able to seize the rule of Egypt with a plan of dispossessing the Mamluks in the massacre of the famous castle in 1811, and then the religious and social forces that were opposed to his absolute rule, such as captain Ashraf Omar Makram and others. When Muhammad Ali was able to rule in Egypt, He wanted a strong army in the French-European style, which was greatly influenced by him, says Clotte Bek doctor Mohammed Ali French, and the supervisor of the new health system at the time that Mohammed Ali "put his hand on what left France in Egypt of precious heritage, was effective in the best condolences to our military glory, Silwan to our scientists Al-Fakil, in his time Egypt rose From her captivity, and she is endowed by her slumber "[3].

The Pasha's control over Egypt, and his repeated attempts to form a regular army, drew the attention of the Ottoman Empire, which saw it as a rising power. He therefore asked him to eliminate the nascent Saudi state of Najd, which was based on the ideas of Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Wahhab, Which the Ottomans were able to break out of. They often described them in their porances in Khwarij, which Muhammad Ali complied with. He succeeded in defeating the first Saudi state. His son, Ibrahim Pasha, seized control of their Druze capital in 1819. Some members of the family, [4].

Force is the basis of the king

Muhammad Ali was always aware that his position on Egypt depended more on his strength than on the Sultan's confession and satisfaction. The possibility of the Sultan's forcible expulsion from office was a possibility, and this mutual mistrust and mistrust between the Pasha and Sultan Mahmud II was very early. From the state of Muhammad Ali, the former Sultan Salim III did not forget that Muhammad Ali had taken the Bashawit Egypt against his will, Muhammad Ali proved during the power struggle between 1803 and 1805 that he appreciated the pimp intelligence and strength in a state as important and rich as Egypt, The Sultan has to accept his hatred Muhammad Ali has already taken control of things in Cairo whether he likes it or not. [5]

In the face of the unfriendly relations between Muhammad Ali and the Ottoman sultans, he saw that the formation of a strong army capable of protecting Egypt, both land and sea, and the achievement of the expansionist dreams of the Pasha in Sudan and Syria should not be delayed. One of the most important generals of the French Empire, retired colonel Saif, who later converted to Islam and called himself the Frenchman Suleiman Pasha [6].

Muhammad Ali gave to Sulaiman Pasha 500 of his Mamluks and 500 others presented by his senior men, to be buried in the modern fighting methods of the new military school in Aswan. The French colonel's task was arduous and almost impossible because these students were not familiar with modern training methods. , But after suffering and patience continued to train them and made them officers within three years, they were the main pillars and articulates of the army to be established [7].

Mohammed Ali saw that the Turks and the Arnauts would not be reformed to be the nucleus of his army, which he dreamed of. They were the perpetual rebellion and unrest, and he saw the best ways to get rid of them and achieve his goal of being part of the Egyptian military campaign to Sudan.

The beginning of the Egyptian invasion and the massacres

Historians gather that the campaign of Muhammad Ali Pasha to Sudan in 1820 was a multi-purpose, including the exploitation of gold mines, which are commonly available there, and the use of the Sudanese in the formation of his new army after the rebellion of the Turks and Arnaout and also the desire of the Pasha to arrest the remaining Mamluk princes who have sought refuge Then to Sudan.

Historians of Sudan say that the Shakia tribes in the north of the Sudan allowed the Mamluks fleeing Egypt to occupy the West Bank from the Nile and form a political and commercial center for them until the Mamluks overturned them and betrayed all the inhabitants living in the Arqu area. They then became their guardians in the Dongola region. And the West Bank settlement became a new state for the Mamluks fleeing Mohammed Ali. The new city, called the new or Urdu "camp", soon expanded and flourished and economic improvements were made. Rhea on the implant to increase production and encourage the cultivation of wheat, and he who was with them skilled craftsmen making new sailing boats and became the new Dongola business center and a political and perhaps military excellent [8].

There is no doubt that the existence of a hostile political entity of Muhammad Ali in the south on the border with Egypt was an important and powerful reason to crush those Mamluks who formed since the massacre of the castle and before it a strong enemy that limits his ambitions for independence and expansion and economic monopoly.

Warriors of the Chaikia tribes - 19th century

When the Egyptian military campaign was launched under the leadership of Ismail Pasha, son of Muhammad Ali and his daughter, Muhammad Bek Al-Dabtardar, its goal was to make Sudan from its north to its south under Egyptian sovereignty. To achieve this goal, the surrender of the Arabs and their arms and horses to the Egyptian force was inevitable. Ismael Pasha committed folly that eventually led to his life.

The tribes of al-Shakia declared their recognition of the Egyptian rule in Sudan and of paying the tax they had, but they refused to hand over their weapons. These tribes were associated with Egyptian politics at that time as allies of the Mamluks and enemies of Muhammad Ali. Ismail Pasha committed terrible massacres. And began to help them and the new rule of aid continued all the days of Turkish - Egyptian rule until the outbreak of the Mahdist revolution "[9].

Ismail Pasha was killed in Sudan because of his insult to the king Shendi, who was drawn to a feast prepared in his honor, and ostensibly declared to be subjected to him, but he burned him alive to avenge him. Muhammad Al-Daftardar took the post of campaign leader after the death of Ismael. "In one of these speeches, he says," We hope you will do your utmost to get slaves in abundance. " In another speech, he says: "The most important and necessary for us is to get slaves above all from Kordofan or Mordevan, and we have given you this notice repeatedly for confirmation." [10]

Unfortunately for Muhammad Ali, "the death toll in the Sudanese population has been depleted. Thousands of them have died because the environment is not suited to them, on the one hand, and their weakness to endure the hardships of military service on the other." [11]

The saliva of the governor

Before the Egyptian invasion of Egypt in 1820, the Sudan was divided into different countries, known for its gold mines, the slave trade and spices in the center and the south. The northern regions of Sudan were subject to the rule of the conflicting Arab tribes. The convoys to Egypt were forced to pass through the land of the Bedouin Arabs who attacked these caravans and robbed "In the eastern Sudan, the tribes of Ababdah, Al-Hanafah and Bani Amer attacked the caravans between the Red Sea and the Nile. In the west, the convoys of the Kurds and Darfur were attacked by the tribes of the Baggara, Kababish, Badiat and others. ].

In his important book, The Egyptian Ruling in Sudan (1820-1885), Muhammad Fuad Shukri describes the period before the Egyptian campaign in 1820 as the situation of the Sudan at that time with tragic, fragmentation and civil strife: "This chaos that struck the country throughout the Sudan has had many effects. Sennar, the sheikhs, and the other states of the state, have quarreled and quarreled among themselves and involved the parents in their wars. They forcibly removed the men from the villages, the fields and the fields to fill the ranks of the armies, thus neglecting agriculture and the many famines that killed hundreds of thousands in Sennar and Kordofan in particular. "[13]

However, the Egyptian intervention in the Sudan by order of Mohammed Ali was not to control security, but for several purposes, including the trade with Egypt, "it was the impact of insecurity in Sudan, and traders were exposed to risks while passing convoys going from Nubia Sennar, Kordofan, and Darfur that the Jalabun caravan traders affect the exit of their shops towards the Red Sea to escape the looting and robbery, which was carried out by the Shakip and Abababdh and Halanafh and Banu Amer and Bakkara and Kababish and Bdiat and other tribes scattered across the Sudan, and thus turned the trade from Egypt and deprived of huge profits. ].

"Ensuring the safety of Egypt and the establishment of its political unity and the safety of the sources of the Nile were among the most important motivations that motivated Muhammad Ali to open the Sudan," said Abdul Rahman al-Rafie, one of the glories of the Alawite family. "What is famous for that genius man, Sudan and Egypt, and realize that the independence (Egyptian for the Ottoman Empire) can not be achieved only if Egypt took the course of the Nile from its source to its estuary "[15].

The economic factor played its role in the Egyptian invasion of Sudan, and it is striking that other views saw the Egyptian intervention in the Sudan as a service to the Islamic cause and the unity of the nation within the framework of the Ottoman state. Muhammad Shafiq Ghorbal, one of the great Egyptian historians of the first half of the twentieth century, "The Mohammedi supreme rule in the Sudan created from the emirates and tribes scattered a new Islamic homeland, and prepared for this future and the future between the areas of Ahbash and tribal tribes and the European creeping, which was taken to approach the coastal parties, and then linking this new homeland with the Ottoman world The greatness and life of present humanity "[16].

Separation from the Ottomans is the dream of the Pasha

The economic motive, and the recruitment of Sudanese in the new army of Muhammad Ali, was his main objective to strengthen his position in Egypt against the Ottomans. Although Muhammad Ali enjoyed the best political privileges within the Ottoman Empire, On the revolution of Greece in the war of Murat, the dream of independence remained in his favor, and right, every independent ruler had a surplus of power in history was seeking to achieve its goals, especially expansion at the expense of its vulnerable neighbors, as did Muhammad Ali in his campaigns on Sudan and Syria later.

Some historians see that the great powers were not far from the conflict between Muhammad Ali and the Ottoman Empire. Their goal was to weaken the Ottomans and support the local independence movements in the Arab countries. These forces were not far from their expansion in Sudan and Syria. Britain in particular was not innocent of participation. To advise Muhammad Ali - if not the source of the main inspiration - where it was no accident that its consul in Egypt, Henry Salt, traveled to London in the same or before the Egyptian invasion of Sudan, for consultations that could not be written on the cables, Salt "Mohamed" has reported that his expansion to Abyssinia g "Although this region is full of gold and jewelry, and if it opens it is certain, it chooses to abandon it, maintaining its relationship with Great Britain." "Salt" is followed by saying: "I have never given him a word and he does not intend to fulfill it" [17].

It was not surprising in the shadow of the conflict between Muhammad Ali and the Ottoman Empire. In the year Muhammad Ali took control of Syria in 1831, France was able to overthrow one of the most important states of the Ottoman Empire in the West, Algeria. And the Ottoman Sultan in achieving their goals by weakening the body of this state, and cut off its mandates, was the independence of Egypt is the imagination of Mohammed Ali, and has achieved almost realistically realistic excellence gained after the invasion of Anatolia and defeat of the Allied forces, led by Britain, which stood with the Ottomans to achieve strategic balance, Indebted to the state It was officially declared under the British Mandate at the beginning of the First World War in 1914, and Khadio Abbas II Hilmi II took off the Ottoman Empire and condemned them to obedience, and so was the occupation and the forces West is always the biggest beneficiary in the Egyptian-Turkish dispute, and in the Egyptian-Sudanese differences!