“We are to blame for the French protests. RT and Sputnik. Well, who else? Today we are branded by Bloomberg. According to Bloomberg, we reported that more and more French police refuse to support (French President Emmanuel. - RT) Macron and are moving to the side of the protesters, ”wrote Simonyan in her telegram channel.

She stressed that the representative of the police union expressed this point of view in a conversation with the TV channel.

“Bloomberg also didn’t like our video with the French police. On it, law enforcement officers in the city of Paw removed their helmets in front of the protesters. Bloomberg says that we called it “solidarity with the protesters,” the RT chief editor added, noting that in fact the title of the video doesn’t mean “solidarity with the protesters”, but a “peace gesture”.

In response, the RT press service indicated to the agency that the opinions of the general secretary of the Vigi police union, Alexander Langlois, were voiced as part of a large plot on the Paris protests.

Catch a screenshot of our yesterday’s response to their inquiry for today's article. pic.twitter.com/iF3Wfzl5kB

- Margarita Simonyan (@M_Simonyan) December 8, 2018

“Does Bloomberg think that it would be“ fairer ”not to cover alternative points of view? Opinions of Alexander Langlois, the secretary-general of the Vigi police union, were voiced as part of a large plot on the Paris protests, ”the RT response tells Bloomberg.

The press service of the channel also noted that the opinions and statements of the organization were broadcast not only by RT, but also by such media as FranceInfo, Nouvelle Observateur, L'Express and RTL.

“We hope that you and they have questions about how“ rightly ”they did,” stressed RT.

On November 30, a debate on anti-fake news legislation passed by the French National Assembly (lower house of parliament) took place on RT France in the “Forbidden to Ban” program.