He noted that currently the self-employed works outside the legal field and is not subject to inspections by regulatory authorities, reports RIA Novosti.

“He has no such problem that Rospotrebnadzor will come to him. Therefore, it seems to me that in order to give the opportunity to legalize and the opportunity to maintain the same level of work, status ... those checks that exist today should not apply to this kind of business, ”the minister noted.

He stressed that we are not talking about those that threaten the lives of people.

“Here we have to look again. And so, the most important thing ... probably, a moratorium should be implemented so that the conditions do not change during the transition to the legal (position - RT ), ”Siluanov added.

On November 27, President Vladimir Putin signed a package of laws on conducting a tax experiment in 2019-2028 for self-employed in some regions of Russia.

The experiment will be conducted in Moscow, Tatarstan, Moscow and Kaluga regions.

The head of the Federal Tax Service Mikhail Mishustin interviewed kp.ru told us why we need a new tax regime for self-employed.