Lamia Raafat

Currently featuring the superhero film of the film world of film Shazam! Which earned high revenues enabled him to become the sixth film in the list of the highest revenue in 2019 so far, and the admiration of a large contrast to many of the previous DC films, which only met the attack from critics and even ordinary viewers who like this kind of movies.

But despite the above, the film contained many problems, especially in the text that we will try to monitor here.

Shazam's idea is that he is a teenager who suddenly turns into a supernatural superhero, and tries to adapt to this new reality quickly, especially with an evil person, Dr. Sevana, who has been a candidate before.

Teenager Billy moves between his character and the character of the super hero by saying the word "shazam" when needed, and because a reasonable part of the events was for the teenage hero, the character should have been written closer to the light in the whole, even when Shazam becomes adult still retains the mind of the teenager in the depths.

The real crisis is that the teenager Billy possessed a more reasonable mind and logical thinking than Shazam did. So we find that the character is painted in reverse. The teenager was not as clumsy as he should be, nor was the supernatural hero fit to take over the world from the seven monsters of the seven sins Dr. Sefana is enough.

the family
Shazam's film is devoted to the family idea, the main point of many of DC's films, and Pattman lost his parents and found his family only with his servant Alfred and Robbie Robin. Superman threw his father from his planet into space until he rescued him. .

So Shazam, who lost his garden in his childhood, grew up among care homes and alternative families, but he could not accept his departure from his biological mother, so he found it impossible to accept any other parental form until the end of the film when he rediscovered the concept of the family in a very naive way , The film has come closer to the format of children's films more than superheroes.

The third crisis in the text is the lack of interest in Dr. Sefana's character and the seven famous sins coming from the Bible. Form, that's all we know about our sword.

The book of the film saw that the above is enough to make the character choose evil side, and make the seven sins occupy her body and avenge the world and his father and his bully brother at first.

As for the seven sins, they were not rooted, returned to their source, their history and how they were transformed into the form of the statues at the beginning of the film. They appeared naively, evil entities with the goal of creating chaos only on earth.

Magic does not look like this
The world of superheroes is based not only on the great abilities of the heroes, but also on the wider backgrounds of the conflicts that these characters are engaged in. They all end up in the eternal conflict between good and evil. We find super hero films with a technological background and a crisis of uncontrollable robots and evil industrial intelligence. Films dealing with space invasion or dealing with the other planets, or even the magic that was the subject of the film Shazam, and another film from the world of Marvel Film is Dr. String, and a difference between magic in both worlds.

In Marvel, Dr. String moves to the East to learn magic so that he can regain his abilities as a doctor but this new world is swept away to become the highest ranking among all, helping the Avengers in their war against Thanos. Strang After his immersion in the world of magic, we notice a great change in his body and his clothes, which makes him seem appropriate to his abilities, as a logical ox with his red cloak and hammer in his hand, and Ironman in his ironwork.

On the contrary, in the film Shazam, the character has a magical background, and the great Zazam is a magician with white hair and worn out clothes waiting in his temple for a young man to pass on his magic before he dies. But when this magic begins in the body of Billy, A supernatural red hero in a golden cloak, in a choice that looks vulgar and brings superheroes back to zero again, and the naive image of the hero with the abaya who fluttered while saving the world.

Even if Shazam was in this form, there were many changes to the superhero dress designs during the filmmaking process, making it more consistent with the events, such as Batman and his work that changed over the years in his films until we got to the suit of Ben Affleck in recent DC movies.

Also the abilities of Dr. Strange miraculous magic, whether the ability to open the gaps between times and places, or control in time and others, while the capabilities of Shazam away from the world of magic, but a mixture of Superman capabilities and control of the bull of the world of Marvel in lightning, It seems non-original and illogical in its form or actions.

Despite the disadvantages of the previous film, it remains much better than other DC films, such as the Justice Band, Batman vs. Superman, or the Suicide Squad, which not only had problems with the script but also in acting and directing.