Sharjah Charity Association supported the "UAE Response in the Winter of 2019" campaign for displaced Syrians in Lebanon, worth AED 1.3 million, distributed through heavy winter blankets, clothing, various heating materials and foodstuffs.

The Secretary-General of the Society, Abdullah Mubarak Al-Dukhan, said that the campaign was launched in cooperation with the Humanitarian Affairs and Development Attaché of the State Embassy in Lebanon to support poor and needy families of the displaced Syrians and to identify their conditions and to meet their needs that increase with the onset of winter. The good that the UAE has always supported all segments in the fields of education, health, social and living.

He pointed out that the association is opening its doors to receiving donations and humanitarian aid, which represents the main branch of the society's treasury and is directed to continue support and spending to achieve social and religious responsibility at the highest level. , While a large number of displaced people need urgent assistance to evacuate their crises, which are increasing with the onset of winter and the rise of snowstorms in their areas of existence.

He called on the philanthropists to move towards the donation funds to meet the needs of the refugees deployed in the borders of a number of countries, thanking all those who extended their hand in support of the donation. The Assembly in ensuring the various situations at the internal and external levels.

While the beneficiaries of the Syrian displaced expressed satisfaction and happiness towards the Sharjah Charity Society and the UAE in general.