By RFIPalled on 04-05-2019Modified on 04-05-2019 at 22:02

The Senegalese deputies adopted Saturday, May 4 the revision of the Constitution to lead to the abolition of the post of Prime Minister.

The reform was adopted by 124 votes in favor, 7 against and 7 abstentions after more than 7 hours of debate, sometimes stormy, most often serene. This decision of the Assembly is not a surprise because Macky Sall has a very large majority in Parliament. This vote is therefore entirely logical.

The members of the presidential alliance explained all day why this law - which entails the abolition of the post of Prime Minister - is, according to them, essential. They explain that the reduction of the president's mandate from 7 to 5 years will force the head of state to work faster, to be more efficient to fulfill the objectives, including create 1 million jobs in 5 years and build 100,000 housing.

For opposition MPs, this constitutional reform will give " too much power " to the President of the Republic. They believe that it was voted without consultation and was never mentioned during the election campaign. The opposition tried to postpone the vote , but was confronted with the political reality and the large presidential majority.

The quorum of 3/5 required 88 votes. Macky Sall has therefore had 124. The president must now sign the decree of application and promulgation of this law so that it becomes effective.

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    Constitutional revision in Senegal: rejection of the opposition motion

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    Constitutional reform in Senegal: voting day
