“I will not comment on the nonsense that you wrote in the Telegram ... They will redo any stupidity, and then I must comment,” she said in an interview with the 360 ​​TV channel.

Earlier, Lakhova’s comment appeared in the media, in which she said that it’s difficult to live on 3.5 thousand rubles, adding that “all the time she thinks about those who went through the war”. The senator noted that during the Great Patriotic War, people survived as they could.

In October, Nikolai Bondarenko, a deputy to the Saratov Oblast Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, decided to conduct an experiment after a dispute with Natalia Sokolova, ex-Minister of Labor of the region. The politician sat down on the "ministerial diet", which is to eat at 3.5 thousand rubles a month.

According to him, in three weeks of the “ministerial diet” he lost 6 kg. At the same time, he added that during the period of the experiment he did not seek medical help.