“Investigators of the Russian IC together with the operational officers of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 11 regions conducted over 40 searches in the criminal case of theft of natural gas of PJSC Gazprom in the amount of more than 30 billion rubles,” the message said.

It is noted that investigative actions are continuing.

Earlier it was reported that employees of the UK questioned five people in the case of embezzlement at Gazprom: Raul Arashukov, Ruslan Arashukov, Guzer Khashukaev, Nikolai Romanov and Igor Travinov.

On January 30, it was reported that Senator Rauf Arashukov was detained in the meeting room of the Council of Federation in Moscow.

Later, he was charged under three articles of the Criminal Code of Russia. He is currently under arrest.