Al Jazeera Net - Doha

In the midst of media reports on the disappearance of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi media dealt with the issue at different angles. They ranged from ignoring, and then preoccupied with details that did not touch the heart of the issue, which preoccupied Arab and international public opinion and attempted to divert attention to other details.

When Khashoggi disappeared last Tuesday after entering his consulate in Istanbul, the Saudi media did not deal with the issue except within the framework of what was published by the official SPA news agency on the same day that the Saudi Interpol recovered a Saudi citizen wanted in cases of fraud checks without a balance.

The story was repeated until the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced Friday that Khashoggi had left the embassy to allow the Turkish authorities to inspect the Saudi consulate.

After the news agency reported on Saturday evening Khashoggi's death inside the Saudi consulate, and the subsequent media coverage at the Arab and global levels; it appeared that the Saudi media does not have a clear compass about the event, and covered the issue from different angles.

The editor-in-chief of the Okaz Jamil al-Dhiaibi newspaper said in an article that "they are promoting the killing of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and they are simultaneously confident of almost identical slogans, such as those The truth is that only the culprits and the gypsies are in the crime. "

As revealed to the same newspaper through one of her book (Hammoud Abu Talib) lines "strongly indicate an intelligence operation prepared and pre-operational arms (not identified) and media represented by the organization of the Brotherhood under the auspices of Qatar and its media manifest and hidden, especially Al-Jazeera."

Khashoggi's fiancée (left) accused by some Saudi newspapers of complicity in Khashoggi's disappearance (Reuters)

In parallel with the campaign against the Arab media that quoted the news from the Reuters news agency, the latter was not released from the accusations of the Saudi media, when Al-Arabiya Net described the contradiction. Al-Watan newspaper, formerly headed by Khashoggi, also criticized the media's disregard for the killing of journalists in several countries. Covering Khashoggi's disappearance in Turkey.

Charges in every direction
The newspaper also quoted analysts as saying that "the Kingdom is subjected to a systematic media campaign led by media outlets with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, led by Qatar's Al-Jazeera, and has been caught in the trap of major international media."

In its editorial on Tuesday, the official newspaper Al-Riyadh attacked the Washington Post, which accused it of falling morally and professionally by engaging in campaigns against Saudi Arabia that contributed to the collapse of its credibility.

Another editorial line emerged clearly in the escape of the Saudi newspapers from discussing the issue of the disappearance of Khashoggi, when they targeted his fiancé Khadija Genghis, who informed the Turkish authorities of his disappearance. A newspaper reported that Khadija reported that she had sided with Qatar after she met Qatari media reporter Jaber Al-Harimi In favor of Foreign Policy magazine, as she claimed to have a relationship with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The newspaper Okaz published a newspaper report on Khadija's address as a "mystery woman," referring to a possible role in the case of the disappearance of Khashoggi, as Saudi media tried to incite the Khashoggi family, where the transfer of the site of the comments of his son Salah supports Saudi official investigations, as demanded by the Turkish lady Khadija To stop dealing with the issue of his father.

Another vision Saudi media tried to highlight was when it tried to promote what it called a Khashoggi play. quoted the Chargé d'Affaires of the Saudi Embassy in Lebanon as saying that Khashoggi's play was a conspiracy and an intelligence plot that was rigged to undermine Saudi Arabia's reputation.

Khashoggi - who worked long for his country and the Saudi press - did not even deliver in his disappearance of articles that suggest his involvement in his plight. The daily columnist in Al-Watan newspaper - an old friend of Khashoggi - said that Khashoggi either disappeared deliberately and voluntarily to appear in the role of a new championship , Or that he was the victim of the liquidation of those who had abducted him (intellectually) in the last two years.