The Turkish soap operas, in particular the Argerel resurrection and the capital of Abdul Hamid, contributed to the increase of Turkish exports to the Arab world, especially the Gulf States. The Bazaaria e-Shopping site plays a major role in delivering a range of Turkish products, such as accessories for serials and sweets to the Arab world.

Bazaria was founded about two months ago by investors Ayoub Karam, Salama Arslan and Ahmed Arslan, who find it difficult to meet the heavy demand for accessories and sweets offered in the series.

In an interview with Anatolia, Ayoub Karam said he started working in the export of light products online from Turkey to the Arabian Gulf, after he noticed the increasing demand for e-commerce.

Exports of light products sold over the Internet, weighing no more than 150 kg, and a maximum price of about 7,500 euros ($ 8400), one of the most exports destined for the Arab region.

He added that e-shopping customers in the Arabian Gulf are paying more attention to the Turkish cultural values ​​than other regions around the world.

He pointed out that they in Bazraya entered the e-commerce market in the Arabian Gulf through the export of Turkish cuisine, cosmetics and accessories.

He explained that Bazaria is a specialized platform to export light equipment to customers outside the country, within a short period of three to five days, with payment on delivery.

He pointed out that the site was launched about two months ago, and that the demand for Turkish products during this period was three times their expectations.

Bazaaria receives many requests for Turkish products throughout the day (Anatolia Agency)

Saudi Arabia in the lead

According to Karam, Saudi Arabia is one of the first countries to import Turkish products. There are about 10 million customers in the field of e-shopping, out of the total 32 million people in the country.

In this regard, Saudi customers are highly receptive to Turkish products, and most of the applications include sweets, as well as the licensed accessories used in the Artegrel resurrection series and the capital of Abdel Hamid.

He explained that the site offers its customers all the products purchased by the tourist from Turkey, upon his return home.

He noted that the number of Arab tourists coming to Turkey approached the barrier of six million tourists last year, adding that they are seeking to meet the demands of tourists to eat the food they taste during their trip in Turkey, over the months of the year.

"According to the Turkish Radio and Television Network (TRT), there are about two billion viewers around the world, and it enjoys wide Arab follow-up, along with Latin America."

He added that the official at Annie Rings, Ramadan Giblak, manufactures the accessories used in the series Artegral resurrection, such as Artegrel hat and his seal, as well as the hour Sultan Abdul Hamid used in his series, and that the site Bazaraya delivery to customers in the Arab world.

He pointed out that the UAE comes second in terms of demand after Saudi Arabia, followed by Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman.

The company is interested in applications from Gulf Arab states (Reuters)

Clients from various locations
He explained that the website and mobile application of Bazaria provide services in both Arabic and English, noting that the first applications received at the launch of the site was the export of Baklava to Ohio, the United States.

He said they received many requests from other US states initially, but later focused on the Gulf region only because of the difficulty of managing requests from the United States and the Arab world together in the early stages of launching the site.

He pointed out that the total number of e-shopping customers in the Arab world is about 200 million users, and the proportion of their demand for Turkish products are good.

The payment-on-delivery service faced some difficulties, but they were taking some measures that would minimize those difficulties.

He pointed out that the site will launch services in the Iraqi market soon, pointing out that some countries are facing problems in the systems of banks and shipping, and they are aimed at developing countries in these areas only.