It clarifies the site, in the city administration noted that despite the abolition of classes in local schools due to the bad weather in the region, for teachers the current week remains working.

According to the portal, on Thursday, January 24th, there was heavy snowfall in Saratov and the wipers could not cope with its consequences. In this regard, the management of the educational institution decided that the school would be cleared away from the school.

"The total duration of the work amounted to no more than one hour," added the city hall.

Nevertheless, it is noted that an official check will be conducted on this fact.

Earlier in the media there was a photo of a group of women, presumably teachers who cleared the snow and put it in sacks on the territory of a state institution.

Also on January 26, it became known that Ekaterina Chetoshnikova, head of the youth policy and social development programs in the Altai Territory, responding to a question about novice teachers who receive 9,000 rubles a month, said that “excessive demands are not good.”

She subsequently explained her words.